Profile picture of me, designing something cool


I'm in my final year at Simon Fraser University, majoring in Interactive Arts and Technology with design concentration and minoring in Publishing. I believe that learning to find the best solutions based on human interaction and behaviour are incredible space to challenge and grow as a designer through research and strategies! Video is also another outlet to my creativity in communicating to others with storytelling and capturing memories.


1. Hit me up if you want to climb or give it a try! I boulder (currently grade V2-4) or top rope (currently grade 5.10a-d).

2. I'm a Lego nerd! I have a few collections at home. I, unfortunately, stopped because there is no more space but always down to start a project again!

3. My favourite ice cream place is Earnest Ice Cream. It hits different, especially after a long climbing session.

Through challenges, we can create great projects together.