Visual and Interaction Design
User Interface Designer, Interaction Designer, Visual Designer
Team Members: Clare Huang, Michelle Aurelia, Nick Cheung
Timeline: 4 weeks (September - October 2022)


An orchestra originated from the Netherlands that is known for their expertise in a variety of musical forms and art forms. Bosch Requiem is an annual performance existing since 2016 to honour the 500th anniversary of the passing of Hieronymus Bosch.
In 4 weeks, the team and I worked together to create a pre-purchase expressive microsite that narrates the history of Bosch Requiem performances and highlights the 2022 show.


“How can we attract people to come to the show”

“What can they learn from visiting the site?”

From those questions, we integrated the pre-purchase engagement via the identity of Bosch Requiem annual performance that gives the audience information on prior shows. The information includes the history of the painter, legacy performance and a sneak-peak of what is coming up this year.



The art direction we are taking as a team are from Wolfgang Weingart and Studio Dumbar as our precedents.
1. Movement through cropped and rotated type
2. Dominant shape to ground and orient detailed
Our design principles are from Ellen Lupton’s Graphic Design: The New Basics
1. Geometric shapes to frame and reveal images
2. Image ambiguity through colour manipulation and distressed texture
All the assets are created to show the adaptability of our art direction to help with the marketing strategies for the event.
Posters based on our art direction
Window stickers based on our art direction
Travel mug based on our art direction
Locker based on our art direction


Click here to see the final deck of our presentation.


My role as the user interface designer and interaction designer are to work with the content the microsite needs to deliver. I started with researching possible interaction design from existing sites that are interesting. We create a spectrum between function to expressive, with subcategories on cursor, movement, type treatment and image treatment. Once we settled on the expressive path, I worked on the transition between pages and within the pages. I played with the proposed interactions on Figma with the team. Once it was ready to move forward, I moved over to Adobe After Effects to complete the interactions.
This project teaches me the basics of art direction and learning from past designers to grow more insights and the “eyes for design”. From my interest in motion design and interaction, this was my first time designing in the role of an Interaction Designer.